Licensing Inquiries

Companies interested in licensing EEI’s patents, and building products based on those patents, should send an email to: licensee-[email protected]

Please include your company name, your name and title, contact telephone number, market segment/application interest, contact information for your corporate attorney(s), and the type of license arrangement you are interested in. (EEI’s corporate IP counsel will initiate initial dialogue through your corporate attorney.)

EEI offers three (3) types of non-exclusive and exclusive licensing agreements:

1) Wholesale/OEM

2) Retail Distributor

(3) Retail Formal.

Wholesale/OEM license agreements are designed to accommodate companies with sophisticated product development and volume manufacturing capabilities, a reputation for producing high quality products, but no retail market presence (e.g., OEMs).

Retail Distributor license agreements are designed for companies with a market presence in one or more markets, product installation and customer support capabilities, but without the engineering/product development and manufacturing capabilities to develop its own products. Distributor licensees will be provided access to Wholesale/OEM licensees for product arrangements.

Retail Formal license agreements are designed for companies with high-quality reputations, complete product development, manufacturing, sales and marketing, and product support capabilities, and a presence in one or more market sectors.